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This website is a bilingual site (Afrikaans and English), but with a different approach from those sites with two full versions in different languages. Some items are in both languages, some in only one of the two languages.
Thank you for accepting my approach!

Good communication design starts with finding the best word choice to get your message across.

I am currently involved in a number of lexicography projects.



Information on publications, advisory documents, readings and interesting websites on different aspects of communication design, writing and lexicography.

You may also find the blog interesting.

About/Meer oor

Prof Leon de Stadler has extensive experience in communication design and language planning. He was the founding director of the Stellenbosch University Language Centre, a centre that provides services in the fields of language support, language planning and communication design. He holds a PhD from Stellenbosch University, has done research and supervised research in the field and headed the postgraduate Programme in Document Analysis and Design. For a number of years he also held positions as extraordinary professor at the University of Nijmegen and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.

Leon en sy vrou, Amanda, is die samestellers van die Tesourus van Afrikaans, wat uitvoerig hersien is teen die einde van 2020, en wat in Februarie 2021 op die rakke verskyn het. Hulle het ook in 2022 die hersiene derde uitgawe van Spreekwoorde en ander segswyses die lig laat sien. Albei publikasies is deur Pharos (NB Uitgewers) uitgegee. Hulle werk tans aan ander woordeboekprojekte en het ook 'n blad oor woordeboekopvoeding Woeker met Woordeboeke.


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